Stargate Wedding Cake

We've featured many unusual and geeky wedding cakes on Neatorama, but (excuse the pun) this one takes the cake! Behold the Stargate Wedding Cake:

Absolutely everything on the top display is hand made, including the wormhole connection which is hand painted icing. And apparently the gate is symbol correct as well.

You can't see them too well but the bottom tier has earth glyphs running all around the outside of the cake, and non gate related.. the roses on the bottom tier are also hand made and edible.

Link - via Super Punch

It's already activated, I'd be more concerned with how it's remaining active for more than 32 minutes without being connected to a planet in orbit of a black hole. And we all know that leads to a serious butt load of problems. :P
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Win! BTW HollywoodBob, it's 38 minutes and there are more ways. My question is, does that mean there are hundreds of ZPMs in the cake?(Atlantis episode with the Asuran laser...forget what it was called)
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