Tomorrow will mark the 41st anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. LIFE magazine has published a set of pictures taken of the scene at the Lorraine Motel directly after the shooting. The photographs were previously unavailable to the public.
Link to story. Link to gallery. -via Fark
They were taken April 4, 1968, by Life magazine photographer Henry Groskinsky, who was on assignment in Alabama with writer Mike Silva when they learned that King had been shot in Memphis and rushed to the scene.
To their surprise, they had access not just to the motel but to King's room.
"I was very discreet. I shot just enough to document what was going on. I didn't want to make a nuisance of myself," the 75-year-old Groskinsky said in the caption to a photo showing a group of King's associates, including Andrew Young and the Rev. Ralph Abernathy, assembled inside the room.
"It's very somber, and there I am with a flash camera. So I took a couple of pictures and just kind of backed off," Groskinsky said.
Link to story. Link to gallery. -via Fark
Comments (16)
why are Dr. Kings FBI records sealed?
don't believe me, ask for a FOI request for Dr. King's birth certificate. you won't get it....I tried!
Don't believe all you are told about you really believe Sarah Palin was that vile?
These stark photographs of terror, blood, grief, and the remnant minutia of a life lost all transecend political debate.