Humans! is a short animation by Reza Rasoli, Greg Gunn and Casey Hunt of Three Legged Legs. It's done in the style of a PSA - and while you may not agree with the gloom and doom depiction of humans as parasites, it's still a very interesting (though a bit gory) animation.
Hit play or go to Link [aniboom] - via Cool Infographics
We are just blobs of very advanced combination of cells and bacteria.
I'm sure they would; however, overpopulation is going to be a very severe problem. It's like the stock market... you can't go up forever. Balance is important.
It amazes me how many people will spout the "people are bad" "people are cancer" nonsense while still choosing to remain both alive and in the gene pool. It makes it hard for me to see anyone who is of that opinion as a person of principle when they keep on living and consuming and making babies, all the while complaining about how horrible and evil and bad people are.
Cute animation, anyway.