For a school assignment, Tomas Nilsson decided to create this animation of the story of the Little Red Riding Hood, in the style of Röyksopps Remind Me music video.
Hey guys, nice to hear you like the video! @c0ldfish: Its my first real animation project so I wanted to try out many techniques rather than make the most unique video. The original was made by french agency H5: @KIP: I think all VW buses are called Type 2. T1 is the name of the first bus generation - transporter 1.
Hey, great video, but do you realize you show grandma chopped up before she's eaten by the wolf, and then she emerges intact from the wolf's belly??? Wolf digestive juices are a miracle healing cure!!!
Really enjoyed the video. Showed it to my son who said "Dad, that is the kind of animation I want to do someday!!!" Might I ask what type of program the very creative animator used to make this?
Silly sods.
@c0ldfish: Its my first real animation project so I wanted to try out many techniques rather than make the most unique video. The original was made by french agency H5:
@KIP: I think all VW buses are called Type 2. T1 is the name of the first bus generation - transporter 1.