Ingrid Newkirk, co-founder of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), is so dedicated to her cause that she is determined to continue her campaign for animal rights even after she's dead.
In fact, she even plans to hold ... nay, participate, in a BBQ of sorts ... in a very unique way. Here's her "Unique Will" (her words, not mine):
Upon my death, it is my wish that my body be used in a manner that draws attention to needless animal suffering and exploitation. [...]
a. That the “meat” of my body, or a portion thereof, be used for a human barbecue, to remind the world that the meat of a corpse is all flesh, regardless of whether it comes from a human being or another animal, and that flesh foods are not needed;
b. That my skin, or a portion thereof, be removed and made into leather products, such as purses, to remind the world that human skin and the skin of other animals is the same and that neither is “fabric” nor needed, and that some skin be tacked up outside the Indian Leather Fair each year to serve as a reminder of the government’s need to abate the suffering of Indian bullocks who, after a life of extreme and involuntary servitude, as I have seen firsthand, are exported all over the world in this form;
Link - via The Presurfer (Image: David Shankbone /Wikipedia)
I mean sea kittens?!
@joe-e: From what I've read, it tastes most like pork. Many pig organs can be safely implanted into humans, and we tend to eat the same kinds of food. (The kosher & halal prohibitions against pigs stem from the fact that in a semi-desert region, pigs are unwelcome competition for resources, whereas cattle, sheep, goats & fowl eat foods that humans cannot eat.)
What an idiot.
This woman is batsh*t insane and the planet will be better off when her and her evil organization die the slow and miserable death they all richly deserve.
It's just as well she go out like that, otherwise I'd have to willingly make the trip to her grave solely to spit on it.
P.S. In case you hadn't noticed, I am not a fan of PETA.
Better late to the party than not there at all.
some choice quotes:
Newkirk on violence
"[People] need to understand that if they support the torture and misuse of other animals they will be made to pay. The animals are defenseless. They can't fight back. But we can. And, no matter what it takes, we always will."
Newkirk on former employees calling PETA "the cult of Newkirk"
"If you put the cult stuff in [your article] nobody will take what we do seriously."
Newkirk on the press
"We are complete press sluts."
Newkirk on being a press slut
"That Reuters reporter was so thrilled when I told him my position on hoof-and-mouth disease. Don't you need something like that [i.e., an outrageous quote for your article] too?"
Newkirk on what she strives to be
"The biggest nag on earth."
Newkirk's last will and testament
"That the meat of my body, or a portion thereof, be used for a human skin, or a portion thereof, be removed and made into leather feet be removed and umbrella strands or other ornamentation be made from eyes be removed, mounted and delivered to the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency..."
Newkirk on Kentucky Fried Chicken's Colonel Sanders
"Why not find out when his birthday is, call the newspapers, and go dance on his grave?"
Newkirk on drooling
"People drool when they look at [Pamela Anderson, who poses for PETA ads]. Why wouldn't we use that? We need all the drooling we can get."
Newkirk on her divine mandate
"I am just trying to make the best case for animals. That is clearly what I was put on this earth to do. Even after I am gone, I will try to continue."
Newkirk on having children
"I am not only uninterested in having children. I am opposed to having children. Having a purebred human baby is like having a purebred dog; it is nothing but vanity, human vanity."
This is typical of an organization that has no clue about animal rights. Rights, yeah that thing we totally made up. The organization sponsored by Home Depot that favors banning the Iditarod.
I'll keep it next to my leather couch while I eat veal.
Pure bad taste.
The Newyorker's article is an eyeopener on her mental state. Given her media exposure and the number of followers, I'd say there will always be room for sects in our civilization.
“I am not only uninterested in having children. I am opposed to having children. Having a purebred human baby is like having a purebred dog; it is nothing but vanity, human vanity.” "
Thank god she doesn't want to breed! We already have enough crazies running around teaching their kids to be equally insane... we sure don't need another.
But yeah... that woman is just all shades of psycho.
If you want a good laugh, as well as a run down of all of PETA's hypocrisies, go here:
The words I have for Newkirk are too rude for this website. I hate her and everything she stands for. She represents a terrorist organization which is happy to kill the animals it claims it wants to save. She is insulin dependent yet she's against animal products. PETA doesn't love animals so much as it hates humans, which is why they don't feel guilt for promoting an unhealthy diet that causes everything from rickets in children to vitamin deficiencies in a lot of people over the long term.
I don't care what people choose to eat or not eat, but if you are going to be preachy, militant, or annoying about it, go away and eat your mung beans away from me. My health means more to me than the life of a chicken. Deal with it.
That said, this is funny because I was just reading about PETA's failed attempt to create a chicken empathy museum in Louisiana.
Newkirk couldn't die soon enough.
The thing that annoys me most is that nearly all of their followers are blissfully unaware of how ludicrous the organisation is.
hundreds of thousands of perfectly reasonable dopey girls called Hillary encounter the name PETA, and allign themselves with it because they presume that the name is actually what the organisation is about.
And if I may bring down Godwin's law on myself...
Much in the same way that the NSADP, the Nazis, were National, and a Party, and indeed German but in no way socialist or for the workers.
pardon my typing.
Don't look at me like that, it's true.
She's a famewhore, PETA encourages other famewhores to join, and does absolutely nothing for animal welfare.
This didn't even deserve the time I took to read it or write the comment.
If humans are "Animals" then we are only following our natural instinct, eating other smaller and sometimes larger, very tasty animals.
Her statements about giving birth are proof of mental affliction. All you PETA people, go eat your tree bark and shut the f*ck up!
I disagree with everything she does.
...“Even if animal tests produced a cure for AIDS, we’d be against it."
Yup. She said that.
wait, what?
You want to get at PETA? Ignore them. That would make PETA cry.
Currently we're all just playing into their hand. YAY more attention for PETA.
Yes - Ingrid is an activist and she is passionate about her love of animals. Whilst most of us could not relate to what she has desires to do with her remains, it's not a sign of lunacy. It's a sign she believes in what she does, and wants to go out making a statement. We should all be so lucky to feel so intensely about something we think is so right--animal rights, in her case--that we are willing to dedicate our lives to that cause as opposed to sit in our cubicles day in, day out, pushing paper and drinking our apple martinis.
The last eight years we all sat around watching as the U.S. advocated torture, held people for years without trial, spied on our own citizens, allowed unchecked Wall Street greed, started a war based on lies, had one of our most important cities leveled by a hurricane, and re-elected the people who undertook it all. We all did nothing.
Frankly, I wish there were more people like Ingrid - at least she isn't bombing buildings. She an activists. She has beliefs. And she expresses them with her life. I find it admirable, she has my deepest respect, and she is a friend even though I don't believe completely in everything she and her organization advocates. That's a pretty damn amazing person.
It's too bad most of the posters above simply want to judge.
David Shankbone
I am no PETA member. I support subsistence hunting and fishing. We don't understand enough about the brain to firmly conclude that subtracting flesh from the environmental equation presumed by our DNA is wise.
Still, none of you couch surfing football fans could argue with this woman's breakdown of the environmental and economic impact of utterly unnecessary factory farming, even setting aside the incomprehensible magnitude of its inherent cruelty to millions upon millions upon millions [...] of pigs alone. The mere ratio of energy and pollution required to produce a pound of protein from beef versus from vegetables would be sufficient to send you off in a huff, frantically googling for some contrived rebuff.
The mere existence of so convicted a critic of your habit of packing every last sinus cavity with yet another BK bacon quadra-stack cheese-burger sends you all into a fit of insecure hysterics.
Have a look in your mirrors.
PS @ Polx: so you're saying the Reichsarbeitdienst didn't elevate the status and living standard of workers to 10 times that enjoyed by any Marxist state? Try thinking , be it TV or the JudeoMarxist establishment university.
As for eating meat, it's healthy to have a balanced diet, Neil C. Producing all that vegetation destroys habitats and damages the environment as well, but we have to eat, don't we? I buy local, free range, and kill my own when possible, but a lot of people would be starving without that factory farming, and I happen to like people more than I do piggies and the environment.
I am against a lot of factory farming practices, for the record, and here in the UK, a lot of regulations are changing, which is a great positive.
Also, one should never assume that because a person eats meat without a guilty conscience that they are stuffing fast food into un-named orifices given to hysterics. Perhaps some vege-nazis would do well to find a mirror of their own.
you are a wuss.
You'd probably condone Hitler.
This PETA lady is insane.
Don't compare animals to humans.
animals can lick their own privates and
eat their own poo.,_co-founder_of_PETA,_on_animal_rights_and_the_film_about_her_life
Make of that what you will. And obviously with such an answer as to her ALF stance, anything *can* be made of that by any side, support or oppose PETA.
From my perspective, it is difficult to get people to think about the suffering humans inflict on animals unless we keep them as our pets. Your nod to factory farming is appreciated. I agree - I think that slaughter should be humane.
By the way - I still eat meat. Though I really think I'm going to end that. Ingrid once sent me a box of refrigerated vegan food in an effort to sway me. It did, for a bit, but then I fell back into steak. I don't eat much meat; hardly any. However, I went out to an organic farm in Israel and I have to say, even when its done humanely, I think my own personal choice is that I just don't want to eat other animals anymore. I kind of fell for this baby goat:
Cheers, evilbeagle. I think the one thing we should at least all agree upon is that we should be killing humanely, and not ripping off the skin of live animals as they hang to be slaughtered. Hopefully at least humane slaughter is something we can agree upon? The cost-effective methods are there, and in use. Just not by everybody.
Though Ingrid is radical, she is still getting her point across and people posting angry messages and posting her quotes are fueling her publicity whore mentality. If you do not like PeTA then do not look her up and do not comment on her life style choices. Simple as pie.
Yes humans' mouths are designed to have an omnivore diet but because we have a higher sence of decision we can choose to eat other wise. The same energy, food, and water used to grow cattle is more wasteful and would be beter used by just giving that same food and water to humans.
The only time I would ever EVEN consider eating an animal would be if there was absolutely nothing else to eat, I killed and cleaned it myself, and i was on the verge of death.