Fighting Litter ... One Kid at a Time

Shopkeeper Yvonne Froud was fed up with all the trash strewn around her village in Gloucestershire, England, so she decided to do something about it. Whenever a kid buys treats from her shop, she writes the child's name on the packaging ...

Mrs Froud said if named wrappers were found on the streets, she had a chat to the "offender" who was temporarily banned from the shop or asked to pick up some litter as a consequence.

"On the whole the feedback has been good."

The clean-up campaign began four weeks ago when the children were encouraged, with the incentive of an Easter egg, to pick up sweet and crisp packets.

Link - via arbroath

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by Minnesotastan.

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Nobody is saying this is a perfect idea. However, it is novel and courageous, and I am blown away by its effective simplicity. I hope this grows wings, Ms. Froud deserves a medal.
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Jigore, I'm sure she knows she hasn't solved pollution. She seems to have more sense than you, at the very least. It's just a way to tidy up her hometown, and get kids in the spirit of throwing things in the bin instead of the street. Get the stick out of your bum.
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