Robo-Croc: Crocodile Gets Reconstructive Surgery

A crocodile who received major facial damage after being hit by a car got facial reconstructive surgery to treat his injuries. The vets at the Miami Metrozoo used metal rods to put the animals face back together and they are now referring to the animal lovingly as "Robo Croc."
"The vets installed four steel plates with 41 screws into the crocodile's skull in a procedure that's amazing zoo professionals.

"I've been at the zoo 30 years and it's one of the most incredible procedures I've ever been a part of," said Ron Magill, spokesman for Miami MetroZoo.

That's because the 250-pound American Crocodile measuring 10-feet, 2-inches long had been left for dead in the Keys on Dec. 19, 2008, with traumatic injuries: its skull crushed and fractures throughout its body."

If you are interested in this piece you might like reading about 6 Crazy Veterinary Procedures.


I've read somewhere that the American gator is one of the most dangerous animals (Although I've no idea to what extent.). It is a living creature, though, and deserves to be treated fairly. Ha! Maybe they shouldn't've attached the jaws to make it less lethal, just fixed his skull. That was a joke.
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The animal in the picture is definitely a crocodile (slender snout, pronounced curvature of the mouth). I was not aware that there even WAS a North American species of crocodile (only N. American alligators and S. American camians); one learns something new every day!

Amazing reconstructive surgery! Crocs have unbelievably efficient immune systems, so the chances of infection are lower than they'd be in most other animals with such an injury. However, this also means that its body might manage to expel the screws & rods before the healing has progressed far enough for removal. Hopefully the vets will be able to manage this interesting case.

I wonder if crocs have enough brain to remember "Street bad" after surviving an accident like this..?
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The American alligator's tail makes for one of the tastiest meals ever. Luckily, it's okay to hunt them now, as they went from endangered to so numerous that dogs and joggers were constantly going missing.

That said, I think it's wonderful that this croc got a second chance. I'm sure that all his croc friends will dig his new look.
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For those who ask why oh why I would like to ask; "What if it was your pet or precious little snowflake child?" Where the hell do you get off thinking humans are more important than any other living thing on this damn planet? People like you are the very reason why species are in danger of extinction! This lack of respect for the food web will force us to pay a heavy price if we don't wise up. This line of "Only humans are important" thinking is the very reason why we need more science and less mythology in our lives.
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Well, evolution favors all species that can florish in this environment, not just humans. For example, roaches. Or cows (since they are easy to control by humans, and also delicious, their survival is prety much ensured by the behavior of the most savvy predator - man).

Anyhow, to answer Gatorlands' question (even though I think he meant it rhetorically :P) - they 'get off' thinking that because they are human. All species think they are the most important speciece, and all indiviuals animals think they are the most important animal of that speciecs. At least, by base instince. Humans, and other animals (notably, mother mammals) have show to value the lives of other individuals above their own. This can cross species too, if the animal views the other as something it needs to protect. (Like a dog who adopts a kitten, or a human and it's pet).

But the *general* species imperitive is "MY species first, and ME first among them." It's just how living things work (on Earth, at least). Sure, we can praise people who rise above this (and should), but to be angry at the very nature of life is... well... futile.
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I agree with the gist of what you are saying, VGD, though I have to say this - sometimes, those who "rise above" this very natural way of being, take it way too far. Don't get me wrong, I believe that all animals deserve compassion and if we are going to eat them, they should die as humanely as possible and not be wasted. However, the importance of that animal should never override the welfare of a human.
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