Fast food grease as art? Yep. Watch as artist Phil Hansen creates a huge replica of the Mona Lisa using nothing but grease squeezed from hamburger patties - and it only took him 10 double burgers to do it.
He didn't just do this for fun, though... it's actually an Arby's ad.
that's an advert? they don't once try to imply that their burger's aren't that greasy doesn't make much sense from a marketing perspective, just makes me think that if i ever went to arbys that i would end up eating grease
Oh, and is that EvilBeagle lapping up the leftovers, there? ;)
It is a pretty cool idea. Now I know what to do with that big can of bacon fat!
grease = art? I don't think so.
I don't know about Arby's in the states, but in Canada, Arby's doesn't make burgers at all. That's the point.