Family Too Fat to Work Gets £22,000 a Year.

And they want more! The Chawners, who haven't worked in 11 years, explains why they want, nay, deserve more money! (Photo: Bernard Ashton/Closer)

"What we get barely covers the bills and puts food on the table. It's not our fault we can't work. We deserve more."

The family claim to spend £50 a week on food and consume 3,000 calories each a day. The recommended maximum intake is 2,000 for women and 2,500 for men.

"We have cereal for breakfast, bacon butties for lunch and microwave pies with mashed potato or chips for dinner," Mrs Chawner told Closer magazine.

"All that healthy food, like fruit and veg, is too expensive. We're fat because it's in our genes. Our whole family is overweight," she added.

Link - via tywkiwdbi

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by philosophile.

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In my country, if you are without a job and need to receive money from the government, you HAVE to go through a mandatory treatment, course or anything like that where the goal is to remove or reduce the factor or those factors that make/makes you not able to work. If you are too fat to work you will receive money, but you have to go through a treatment with diet and exercise. If you do not have any experience or education that will make someone hire you, you have to go to a course while receiving money. If you are clinically depressed you have to use anti-depressants and/or see a therapist while receiving money.
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Im a fattie and I still work. Its not like they are confined to a bed or something. Im almost as big as them and I still run around with the kids and play frisbee golf and am in training for roller derby. Its not how much you weigh its how much of the weight is from fat and how much is from muscle. Get the hell off the couch!! Its fun!! This pisses me off because it makes all fatties seem like lazy asses. They found a loop hole and are using it to get what they think they deserve. And just because fruits and veggies are spendy dosnt give you a reason to eat nothing but crap all the time. Trust me. Im a fattie I know.
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note to the above comment. after tax and insurance deductions, my total income a year is only around £18,000. what a joke the benefits system is when a hard working, knackered person with professional qualifications earns less than this lazy lot!!!!!!!
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i work 30 hrs a week as a nurse and if you include my child tax and family allowance i earn around the same as this family scrounge.
i also have weight issues, typical yoyo dieter and at my heaviest have been 16 stone (im only 5ft).
i have always worked since i left school, even when my children were weeks old, didnt have a one point i juggled full time work, full time study, looking after 2 young kids plus housework, cooking etc.
i have some sympathy with this families weight issues having struggled all my life with my weight. but not for their attitude, greed and laziness.
i struggle terribly financially at times and this family have made me so angry, sitting on their arses all day saying we want more....for nothing.we regularly do without basics (food, clothes,heat), nevermind luxury goods, holidays.
plus there is no way they only spend £50 a week on food. i spend more than that, including packed lunch stuff and my kids are normal healthy sized!!!!!!
what the government should do is tell them (and other such scroungers) unless you start to lose weight and can prove it, we will stop your money. simple.
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