ILuvNUFC is prolific blogger on all kinds of odd and interesting things but his crown jewel is his photography site in which he has seemingly documented every last corner of Newcastle Upon Tyne - quite possibly the most any one person has photographed any one place on the web.
Some of his most compelling images are of deserted buildings in the area like St. Mary's Asylum and the Cherry Knowle Hospital, which he has also catalogued extensively. Best of all, he includes a heckuvalot of juicy historical facts along with the images.
Some of his most compelling images are of deserted buildings in the area like St. Mary's Asylum and the Cherry Knowle Hospital, which he has also catalogued extensively. Best of all, he includes a heckuvalot of juicy historical facts along with the images.
This was such a nice site of photos, I sure hope the infection it wasn't intended by the site's owner.