True Blood "Emergency Vampire" Posters

I spotted these in Auckland, New Zealand (where the show True Blood is only just starting on TV). They're made of wood, and the stakes are designed to snap off in case a vampire attacks.

They're screwed down though, which makes them safer but rather counterproductive.


From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by ant8627.

Lol that's pretty awesome. Love the show in all its cheesy, vampire, sex scene every other minute glory.

You know they wouldn't be able to do that here in America though. Some idiot would take it too seriously, hurt someone or themselves and then do what idiots do best... sue sue sue... and ruin everything for everyone.
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Hey, Gauldar, way to not know what you're talking about! Action, horror, gore, sex, smart dialogue and dry humor make for a great piece of entertainment whether you're a "vampire obsessed woman" or not.
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