Archive for March 14th, 2009

Bus Shelters Announces Your Weight

Self-conscious about your weight?  Think twice before sitting on a bench in a bus shelter in Amsterdam! To be more precise, some bus shelters in Amsterdam have been fitted with weight meters that show peopl...

You Know Who's Born on Pi Day? Einstein.

Like Miss Cellania posted earlier, today is Pi Day. But did you know that someone really famous was also born on this day? It's only fitting that today is also the birthday of Albert Einstein (born March 14, 1879).Neator...

Glico Nikon F Miniature Toy Camera

If you think the toy inside the box of Cracker Jack is cool, that's nothing compared that what you'll find in a box of the Japanese candy Glico caramel. Take, for instance, this fantastic Nikon F1 SLR miniature they incl...

Resurrecting Rain Forests

The accepted belief is that once destroyed, tropical rain forests could never be restored. But is that really the case or just a myth? In 1993, researchers from the Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Sciences at Corne...

Happy Pi Day!

March 14th (3/14) is National Pi Day, as officially designated by the US congress this year. Traditional festivities are to study the mathematical constant pi in school (which took place yesterday since 3/14 fell on Sa...

Hidden Tap Faucet

[youtube=][YouTube - Link]Check out this cool faucet concept by the Kunst Zonder Kapsones company.  As you move your hand from left to right, the water turns from hot to col...

Semana Santa in Seville

They may look like a lineup from the Ku Klux Klan, but these white-robed, pointy hatted Nazarenos are commemorating Holy Week in Seville, the same way their predecessors have been marking the somber occasion for the past...

Boy Survives Impalement

6-year-old Mihir Kumar of Ranchi, India was celebrating Holi when he slipped and fell off the roof he was dancing on. He fell on an iron rod, which pierced his body through the ribs from one side to the other! Mihir was...

Is This The Future Of Restaurants?

Inamo, a Japanese-style restaurant located in the U.K., has a fascinating concept in self-service. Located above each dining table is a projector and computer; diners in turn can use the touch screen to order food, c...

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