It's been a while since our last What is it? game, but this one should make up for the absence: do you know what the strange tool to the left is used for?
Place your guess in the comment section - the first correct one will win a Neatorama T-shirt. If no one get it, then the funniest guess will win.
Game rules are simple: One guess per comment, please. You can enter as many guesses as you'd like. Post no URLs - let others play.
For more clues, check out the What is it? blog. Good luck!
Update 3/13/09 - The answer: A cannonball sizer, it was used as a gauge to determine if a cannonball was the correct diameter.. Congratulations to Anth who got it right!
(safety first)
Quite ingenious actually. Once the lens had fallen out (as with this example) it could still be used as a witch finder. You simply apply the finder firmly to the posterior (i.e. "smack them in the bum with the metal bit") until they say "I'm a Witch! I'm a Witch!"
Has anyone gotten it yet?
I'll guess again.... uuuhm...
Looks like maybe a shoe horn?
The wood looks kinda flat *shrugs*
It is easier to grind wheat to grain?
(over a flame) or to pick up test tubes like out of a boiling solution
It's Edison's first filament.