Archive for March 10th, 2009

Periodic Table of Video Game Characters

Inspired by a the Periodic Table of Cartoon Characters by Andrew Speers of Old Man Musing, the folks at I Heart Chaos made one of their own. This time, with video game characters:As far as my criteria for what we...

Is That Abraham Lincoln?

A New York photography expert has unveiled what he believes is one of the last photographs of President Abraham Lincoln before he was assassinated in 1865.  Only 130 photographs of President Lincoln were ever taken,...


Photo: NickIsConfused [Flickr]Photographer Nick Drummond has a neat Flickr photoset of ATilla, his "pet" AT-AT. The best thing about having your very own Star Wars All Terrain Armored Transport Walker? It's eas...

Vise-Grip Tales

Last year, vise-grip manufacturer Irwin held a contest called "Tell Us Your Vise-Grip Story" where people share their personal experience of using the tool. They've chosen 3 finalists, one of which is this one...

People Who Died on Their Birthdays

Our very own Stacy Conradt wrote a neat article over at mental_floss about 10 people who died on their birthdays (full circle!) Here's one that particularly interesting:Jean Felix Piccard. N...

Shooting Prohibited Sign

Unfortunately, I'm sure that some idiot will see that as a challenge instead ... - via Rue the Day and Miss Cellaniasign, school, shooting, firearm...

Logo Fight: Re/Max vs. Rehava

Do the two logos look similar to you? They do, according to the trademark attorneys of Re/Max, a national real estate franchise. They're challenging the trademark application of a real estate startup Rehava, which has a...

Life Cycle of the Martian Peen Worm

In 1978, Ivan Stang of the Church of the Subgenius created this nifty documentary titled "Reproduction Cycle Among Unicellular Life Forms Under the Rocks of Mars." It's part of a fictional "Early Childhood...

Swimsuit that Dries Itself

Sun Dry Swim has produced a swimsuit made of nanomaterials that repel water, so it never gets wet.  Water will just roll off of it, and it will be instantly dry, because technically it never got wet in the first p...


Fashion photographer Greg Kessler takes pictures of runway models before and after makeup. The Moment, the New York Times fashion blog, posts these together so you can slide back and forth from one image to the other....

The Power of Placebo

Placebos are medicines or procedures that don't have any active medical ingredients. Their effects are all in your mind, but the brain has wonderful ways of making us feel better. eMedExpert Blog looks at the latest rese...

7 Intriguing Genetically Modified Fruits & Veggies

Do you know what a pluot is? It's a hybrid cross between a plum and an apricot. Sounds yummy! The pluot pictured is just one of seven hybrid or genetically modified food items detailed at WebEcoist. Link -via the Presu...

Is This What Shakespeare Looked Like?

A recently identified portrait of William Shakespeare, if genuine, would be the only true likeness we have of The Bard. The popular face of Shakespeare that we know was taken from a woodcut by Martin Droeshout that was p...

Why Print Cannot Die: The Funniest Newspaper Articles

Urlesque blog has a tribute of the funniest scanned print ads and newspaper articles that have been floating 'round the web. They're oldies but goodies!LinkFrom the Upcoming ueue, submitted by interweber.newspapers,...

The Influences Behind The Laugh-Out-Loud Cats by Adam Koford

The following is a guest blog by Adam Koford, current curator (if you believe his tale) and/or creator (if you believe John Hodgman and everyone else) of the Laugh-Out-Loud Cat comic s...

World's Largest Crossword Puzzle

The city of Lvov in the Ukraine is home to the world's largest crossword puzzle. Clues to the crossword are scattered around the city's major landmarks and attractions including parks, fountains, and theatres....

Kite-Assisted Aerial Photography

[youtube=][YouTube - Link]Suspending a camera from a kite is not a new idea, but Charles C. Benton, professor of architecture at UC Berkeley has "taken it to new heights.&qu...

Nickel Particles Self-Assemble into Life-like Snakes

Physicists Alex Snezhko and Igor Aronson at the Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois have made an interesting discovery. They placed nickel particles in a beaker of liquid, and applied a magnet hooked up to an alt...

Man Retaking Secondary School Exams ... For the 44th Time!

OK, so some of your friends (or maybe you) have flunked a grade at some point or took a little longer than you planned with college but ... 44 years? Vegetable stand or no, it is hard to imagine being so busy with work t...

5 Reasons Renting Still Beats Buying a House

Jack Hough of Smart Money weighs the pros and cons of renting versus buying a house, and concludes that renting is better. He gives 5 reasons: 1. Houses produce lousy returns, while stocks produce good ones 2. H...

Policeman Sued His Force Over Epic Beard

Police officer Javid Iqbal, 38, of Bedforshire, England, doesn't just have any beard. No sir - he has what can truly called an "epic beard." Daily Mail (yes, I know how you guys feel about this newspaper, but t...

The Amphicar

It's a car, it's a boat, it's an Amphicar!  Designed to operate on land and in the water, the German-made Amphicar landed on US shores between 1961 and 1967.  It was the only civilian amphibious passenger car t...

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