Circuit City is slowly going out of business and liquidating store inventories. Employees at an undisclosed location had fun filling out a chart of store discounts. After all, what's the worst that could happen -maybe they'll be fired? See a larger photo at Gizmodo.
Circuit City is slowly going out of business and liquidating store inventories. Employees at an undisclosed location had fun filling out a chart of store discounts. After all, what's the worst that could happen -maybe they'll be fired? See a larger photo at Gizmodo.
Cool neato racist joke about Obama there.
As far as I know there were no scams being run in my store. Any sales being run by the company went away and all prices reflected the prices we have been given as the original price. True quite a few items went up in price on the first day due to the lack of sales that people have taken for granted. Laptops at 10% off were still more than Circuit City sold them for normally, and some customers had the gall to complain about it. Being an associate that has just lost my job without warning sans I honestly didn't care.
That may be a possiblity, but for now I will blame you for moving my comment to the wrong news post and take no responcibility for my mistake.