Archive for March 8th, 2009

20 Beautiful Video Motion Pieces

One of my favourite blogs "Smashing Magazine" has a fascinating post filled with awesome video clips all about amazing art presented through video. When an artist wants to show off their portfolio some of them go about...

St. Bernard Frozen in Place

The breed that normally rescues people in cold weather had to be rescued at the Peter Yegen Jr. Golf Club in Billings, Montana. A 16-month-old St. Bernard named Duke had fallen through the ice on a pond, climbed out, and...

Forrest Gump in One Minute

(YouTube link) This tells the entire story of Forrest Gump in a most efficient way! (via Buzzfeed) Forrest Gump...

Circuit City Discounts

Circuit City is slowly going out of business and liquidating store inventories. Employees at an undisclosed location had fun filling out a chart of store discounts. After all, what's the worst that could happen -maybe...

Europe's Grass-lined Railways

These grass lined railways in Europe are not only aesthetically pleasing, but help cut down on pollution and heat.LinkFrom the Upcoming ueue, submitted by Geekazoid.grass, railway...

Light-Transmitting, See-Through ... Concrete?!

This is real, construction-grade concrete. It is not totally transparent, but the optical fibers embedded within it allow the concrete to transmit sufficient light to allow for some interesting (and useful) applications....

Candy Named for Real People

I don't know about you, but when I'm jonesing for something sugary at work around 3 p.m. (that's usually about when I hit my wall), the last thing I'm thinking about as I'm jamming my quarte...

Man Rescued from Latrine

An unidentified man was rescued from a waste tank under a rest stop bathroom on Highway 30 near Filer, Idaho on Thursday. He had climbed into the tank to look for his keys. Another driver found him and called emergency s...

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