Archive for March 7th, 2009

Beaver Welcomes You To Canada

This video is really cute. Make sure you watch the whole thing and don't forget to turn the sound up loud enough to hear the conversation. If only this little guy really came out to welcome me to Canada, I would be the...

Movie Trivia: Step Brothers

I have to admit, the first time I saw Step Brothers, my reaction was this: "Eh...." But like all Will Ferrell movies, Step Brothers eventually wormed its way into my brain and now I love it. I felt the...

Rubber & Cardboard Cuckoo Clock

These cuckoo clocks by artist Nathan Skiles are created with cardboard and rubber. They may be a good option for people with walls too weak to hold up heavy wooden & metal cuckoo clocks. Link Via CraftzineArt,...

Living with Eskimos

Photo: Scarlett Hooft GraaflandPhotographer Scarlett Hooft Graafland spent 4 months living with the Eskimos in the remotest part of north Canada and documented her experience in her photograph series "You Winter, le...

America's Most Miserable Cities of 2009

Are you miserable where you live? How does your city rank in misery as compared to others in the nation? Forbes has come out with their annual list of the most miserable cities in America.  This list is based on...

Crossover Flywheel for Training Ice Hockey Players

[youtube=][YouTube - Link]Andy Blaylock invented a device to help ice hockey players in honing their skill level for a specific skating maneuver, the crossover.  It's probab...

Houdini Octopus

Photo: New England Aquarium How do you keep your octopi from getting bored? The New England Aquarium in Boston decided to give 'em a little puzzle to solve:Truman, a 7-foot-long, 30-pound octopus at the New England...

The Most Extraordinary Flower Gardens

Enjoy a roundup of ten truly amazing gardens from around the world. Some of these are unreal!Keukenhof, which literally translates to kitchen court garden, has been around since 1949 and is the world’s largest an...

Group Bridge Jumping

Photo: russosThere's an odd fad taking off (jumping off?) in Russia: jumping off a bridge en masse after tethering yourself to a rope! For even more fun, wait till the train is passing by ... Link - via kottkeBridge, jum...

COPS for Kids!

[youtube=][YouTube - Link]What would the TV hit series COPS be like if it were made for kids? Sunset Television explores the possibilities ... - via sunsettelevisionFrom the Upco...

Modern Fossils

We've all seen technology improving at a breakneck pace over the last couple of decades.  While it's nice to have fresh and shiny new gadgets that work better, we are discarding outdated electronics in alarming nu...

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