"World Builder" is a short film by Bruce Branit (co-creator of "405") in which a man uses holographic tools to create a virtual world for a woman he loves.
The filming was completed in a single day, but the post-production computer graphics required 2 years.- via vimeo
Okay, very cool. Near the beginning it looked like the "Empty Spaces" segment from Pink Floyd The Wall, but the music, and imaginative forces really sucked me in. Twist ending, all good.
Very nicely done, but lacking in story arc and character development. 405-The Movie had it all and only took three months of post production. Branit has genius level skills, but story trumps special effects every time.
@ted: That's the whole point; you are left to infer the story from the clues in the movie. The plot points left unsaid are far more satisfying than anything that could be explicitly stated in a 9 minute film.
Yes, but I guessed it from when she first appeared. The rest of the movie was just filler, more of a showcase for special effects than anything else. Still corny and self-indulgent.
Strangely, it is the very 'manufactured' textures that infuse this curious short film, whose simple goal is to amaze us with computer technology's ability to 'build' parallel worlds, that undo the filmmaker's own premise. Instead of being overawed by his minutely-detailed virtual world, I am left cold by it. It is sterile as an aesthetic experience--admittedly, the way most digital art is. The only thing I could think of when she smelled that flower was how it probably smelled like one of those synthetic, chemical cans of car air-freshener. This is meant as no disrespect to the filmmaker. But it does highlight one of paradoxes of the web: all our excitement about this exploding technology notwithstanding, it still can't mask the inescapable fact that an ersatz reality remains just that--deeply unsatisfying, and ersatz.
There's also an option within YouTube called "I have a low-speed connection; never show high quality video", which seems to work even though my issue is processor rather than connection speed.
which my computer was able to play.