Hamster Prefers Organic Veggies

This adorable video is brought to you by The Cooks Den. In trying to evaluate whether organic veggies and fruits actually taste better, they decided to try an unbiased judge -Hammy the Hamster. How semi-scientific of them.

The results seemed to show that the little girl preferred organic veggies in five out of the six foods tested.

Study Link & Video Link Via Boing Boing

Have to tend to agree with the left thing. The little thing does seems to sniff out and then go organic most of the time so maybe the organic veggies have a better smell. Being a guinea pig mommy I can attest to the strong abilities of the noses of small rodents.

I'll have to try this out with my two pigs next time their out for "floor time" and see what happens. Although, they do seem to like the organic lettuces better then the regular ones. It'll be interesting to test out carrots, bananas etc.
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I agree with the others. Just looked like the hammie prefered to go left.
I'm sure if the camera were to keep roling, he'd go for the other one as well.
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Definite preference for her left. Nihil is either a guinea pig that can write English, or a human that gave birth to guinea pigs. I don't know which is more disturbing.
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Nick: I'm certainly human. I just love my two little piggies and I take care of them so I'm their "mom." :) Nothing freakish or weird about that. Plenty of people refer to themselves as "pet parents." Although, if you prefer I can be a guinea pig "care-giver." ;)
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Nick: Nihil could be a guinea pig that can type English, but not necessarily write it.

This isn't really an indicator of how the food tastes, but rather how the food smells (although the two are closely linked). I think they'd have to do a lot more testing with different testees (I had to say that somehow) to get more definitive results.
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