Claude is a 6-year-old orphan Asiatic black bear, a resident of the Asa Zoo in Hiroshima. His ability to twirl sticks like a ninja is jaw-dropping - so good that it looks fake, but there are other videos at
Japanator (with a baseball bat) and
here.- via
videoFrom the Upcoming ueue, submitted by Minnesotastan.
A description off the EBRUNEWS youtube channel video regarding this bear:
"The bear, also known as Claude, lives in A-sa Zoo logical park in Hiroshima, and spends hours on his stick, twisting and twirling it.
He's been obsessed with the sticks since he arrived at the Zoo six years ago after his mother was caught in a trap and killed in the forests of Hiroshima.
Although he had let go of the sticks in the past few years, he recently picked up the habit again.
The zoo has prepared 15 sticks for Claude to play with. It's unknown whether the bear's behaviour is dysfunctional, nevertheless Claude has attracted many visitors who want to see his kung-fu exercise. "