The result of his obsession is a site called MangoFalls where he's posted hundreds of images from those rolls of film that he dragged around for so long. You won't find any scenic snapshots. It's all about the people and their fashions from the 50's and 60's. I suppose it's possible that you might even see someone you know.
The metal body was battered and the lens looked like a coke bottle that had been dragged down 5 miles of asphalt. The camera had been dead a long time. I was about to set it down when I noticed that there was a roll of film inside. I slowly rewound the film, popped the door, and was rewarded with a pristine roll of Kodachrome. I asked the guy at the counter how much he wanted for it. "Gimme a quarter" he replied. I paid the man and drove home with the mystery roll.
From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by bert.
This sounds pretty intriguing.