Handmade Coraline Doll

I figured it was only a matter of time before little Coralines started popping up on the craft sites. Craftster purplekappa made this one for her daughter, and I must say, it's pretty perfect. She even comes with Wybie's cat and her very own button key.


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Hi - I see you made a great Caroline Doll !! I would really like to inquire how much one is (I would like the cat too, if that's okay) and if I can have it by Christmas? Can you please email me with Coraline in the subject area so I don't miss it.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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To Noelegy,
I think it was meant to represent the Coreline doll in the movie not Coreline the actual girl in the movie hence the button eyes!
Great doll, I'm getting ready to make one for my daughter as well.
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Thank you for the review! I wanted to make a replica of Coraline's doll after seeing the movie--I was thinking of making it for myself but thought it would less selfish to make it for my daughter. I figure I can sneak it from time to time. Cat is for my other daughter so it's not exactly in proper proportion to Coraline's doll but I thought they'd make a good photograph together.
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