The miracle liquid can clean your toilet and is powerful enough to kill anthrax spores and oh, you can drink it because it's just ... water.
Here's the skinny on the miracle liquid known as electrolyzed water:
It turns out that zapping salt water with low-voltage electricity creates a couple of powerful yet nontoxic cleaning agents. Sodium ions are converted into sodium hydroxide, an alkaline liquid that cleans and degreases like detergent, but without the scrubbing bubbles. Chloride ions become hypochlorous acid, a potent disinfectant known as acid water.
"It's 10 times more effective than bleach in killing bacteria," said Yen-Con Hung, a professor of food science at the University of Georgia-Griffin, who has been researching electrolyzed water for more than a decade. "And it's safe."
I'm an avid mountain bike rider and treated my own scrapes and wounds with the product and have had great results. Sounds weird but I've actually sprayed one leg and left the other to heal all natural and the treated leg or shin healed up in a 1/3 of time.
I to thought, who would spend $30 on 8oz of water? Until, utimately I had too as a last result and I have been amazed. Thx Jeff
Athon, can you please tell us how much water, how much bleach, and how much vinegar I should use for vaporizing in a greenhouse ?
And in most personal/home ionization machines, there is NO SALT or any other chemical added to the water. Salt is added in only one manufacturer, and only on one setting that is for 2.5-3.5 pH/10.5-11.5, which has very high positive ORP water for cleaning...and it really, really works.
Ionizers, home and now some industrial equipment, use JUST electrical energy in the form of increased ion/molecular energy. And, that is why it does not "hold", because as soon as the electrical charge is taken away, it begins to return to it's earlier "dead" state which is a high positive ORP...oxiding anything and everything, including the internal systems/body.
ORP is related...not the same...but related to this subject. It is a long-established measure of literally the energy/chi/life force that can be established as millivolts, with a very common and relatively inexpensive ORP/pH meter.
COMMERCIAL INFO ..ORP is used by pool, fish tank, and water facilities and there is a national standard also established. If it's plus (oxidative) it's killing bacteria and biological materials. The standard is +650 for the US and +750 for Germany. The acidic oxidation process is sanitizing the water sufficiently. The standard of ORP measurements is replacing just pH because that information more adequately expresses the "kill rate" and allows often for more exact, thus usually less, addition of toxic chemicals, such as bleach/chlorine. The ppm of chlorine can be reduced significantly when electrically energizing the water...
Usually, the lower the pH, the higher the ORP, but not necessarily related as the two numbers in relationship can be very different.
It's the minus ORP, or the Redox/Reduction end of the scale that is less well known or understood, or so it would seem. The Redox/Reduction is the power/energy/chi/life force to reduce oxidation molecules and the greater the minus value, the greater the ability to act as an anti-oxidant, bond with the singlet molecules and "reduce their oxidation potential" Basically, it's the reverse of the +ORP external oxidation allowing the energy to bond/neutralize the free radical (-ORP) and carry it out of the system as harmless fluid.
Here's a good example...toxic sodas i.e. Sprite and Coke and many commercial bottled water produts have an ORP of around +400 and a pH of 3 and up, give or take. Fresh orange juice has an ORP of around -200 with varying alkaline measurements. Canned orange juice has positive force is pasteurized out, as it was meant to do.
I have one of these's sound science. Use "the Google along with the internets".
Remember when people thought it was crazy that moving water (hydropower) could light up their homes across little wires miles and miles away?
Well, join the 21st century "miracle"...electricity (electroysis..electrolyzing..ionization) can now empower water to heal, clean, disinfect, and ... god help Mansanto and the other poision manufacturers ... replace toxic chemicals to green up our lives.
It is for that reason it will not hit "mainstream", excuse the pun, until, like solar power or hydrogen power, the Big Guys and Girls at our have their hands on it and can control it.
I got a (different brand) water ionizoer and got my ph up to 6.5 and that along with some other things am now 2 yrs later cancer free!
(1) Alkaline water and diet
(2) Immunocal
(3) No sugar (used stevia)
(4)graviola etc.
And mine was so bad the Dr. called me and sent a certified letter that if i went this way and not thier std treatment I would die.
NOW they say "well it MUST have been SOMETHING we did"