Archive for February 22nd, 2009

From the Desk of Dewey, Cheatem and Howe...

...comes "Appropriately Named," a blog that points out all of those names for people and businesses that are just too good to be true. My favorite? Dr. William Friend... proctologist. And to your left is Larry Sprinkl...

Lunar Eclipse on the Moon

We've watched the shadow of the earth move across the moon during a lunar eclipse, but what would it look like if we were standing on the moon? We know now, thanks to this picture taken by the Japanese probe K...

Spirograph Necklace

This only looks like it's made out of those things we used to draw with the Spirograph toy as kids; it's really just cotton and polyester. It comes in other colors too, but I like the multi-color the best. So much fun!...

Atlantis: Found by Google Ocean?

Google Maps: LinkHas Google Ocean finally found the missing city of Atlantis? A curious rectangular pattern 100 miles wide was spotted off the coast of Spain, in 17,800 ft deep water:Situated in an area called the Ma...

Russian Fire Extinguisher

In Soviet Russia, every man is a fire extinguisher! - via Cellar Image of the Day. russia, fire extinguisher, pee...

Circular Bookshelf by Zhdanova Irina

We've featured a lot of unusual bookshelf designs on Neatorama before, but never one that you can "roll" up with a good book. Here's a circular bookshelf by designer Zhdanova Irina. Her design also comes with...

Duck Walks Into a Bar ...

Peterman's Eye has a neat post analyzing (okay, more like gently 'splaining) the classic "man walks into a bar" joke. Includes some of the best groaners I've read in ages, such as:Inanimate objects can walk...

Movie Trivia: The Silence of the Lambs

Since the Oscars are tonight, I thought it would be fitting to do today's Movie Trivia post on one of the most-celebrated films of all time. And if you don't know what I mean, (I didn't know this, 'til I started doing th...

Underground Parking Tower for Bikes

[youtube=][YouTube - Link]In Tokyo you can park your bicycle underground, neatly, safely and automatically. You swipe your card, doors open, and you place your front wheel on a d...

Hogwarts Orlando Campus

Due to open in 2010, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter will be a theme park at Universal Orlando based on the world's most famous scar-faced boy.  The 20-acre park will be located in Universal's Islands of Adv...

A Short Film Made from 6,000 Paintings

(Video Link) Khoda is a short film by Reza Dolatabadi made from 6,000 paintings that he created over a two-year period. It's a psychological thriller about a prison escape. His other paintings are also qu...

Ironworkers Immortalize Kids

Children who receive treatment for cancer at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston are receiving a special treat while construction goes on outside. Children write their names on sheets of paper and tape them to the...

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