How old is your brain? This fun little Flash Game will calculate it for you!
A year or two ago I remember seeing a video that showed how chimps have better memories than people, and a similar game to this one was used to demonstrate this fact.
The instructions at the site are in Japanese, here is a translation:
1. Touch "Start"
2. Wait for 3,2,1
3. Memorize the numbers' position on the screen, and then click the circle from the smallest number to the largest.
4. At the end of the game, the age of your brain will be calculated.
From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by Rob H..
Does that mean brain rot has set in?
Wish my body looked to be that of the age of my brain though. :/
My brain is 23.
Anyways that made my 21 year old brain be rated as 36. ouch.
Is this good or bad?
Yeah, I'll take that.
I certainly hope I don't have the maturity of a 20 year old, though. -That- would be depressing.
Actually i'm a 15 year old.
Real ---> 21
Real -> 17
Real -> 28 (29 in May)
What does that mean ??
7/10 8/10 9/10 10/10 - 20 is best score . but 7/10 is show by ur miss order between 20-25.
... i'm 20 y.o. ;)
Real —> 24
Neat little game
gosh . . .
is it bad or not