Why You May Not Want to Let Your Friends Eat at McDonalds (or Yourself)

Wow ... we all knew fast food was bad for us, but really? For starters, their burgers can apparently last for 20 years ... longer than the average vehicle. Next up: you would have to walk for seven hours to burn off a Super Sized Coke. Seriously.

Heck, even pet food can be healthier than McDonalds according to a recent study - and the list goes on. So, before you head out for your next set of burger and fries read this and be amazed (or utterly disgusted). Of course you could also watch Supersize Me but this list arguably tops even some of his encounters.
In 2007, the employees of an Orlando-area McDonald’s were caught on camera pouring milk into the milkshake machine out of a bucket labeled “Soiled Towels Only.” That particular restaurant had already been cited for 12 different sanitary violations. Though McDonald’s proudly stands by its safety standards, and not every restaurant has such notorious incidents, the setting of a fast food restaurant staffed with low-paid employees at a high turnover rate arguably encourages bending the rules. (McDonald’s isn’t alone in this, of course - Burger King is actually ranked as the dirtiest of all the fast food chains.)


From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by Urbanist.

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To The El Bee En

We do live in China! It is beautiful nature here, but we are still shocked by things like that.

I think the best way to get rid of things like that is to bring more publicity without blaming anyone.
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Anyone watching "Supersize Me" will find an extra showing exactly what happens to McDonald's food over time. Other than the fries, everything deteriorated as expected. Odd that this site would misrepresent that, while citing "Supersize Me" at a later point.

Also, the lead in from Neatorama had a poor misrepresentation. "Seven Hours to burn off a Super-sized Coke." When the artical states that was the time for a Coke, fries and burger. Come on Neatorama, you guys are too good to go sensationalizing stuff.
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