It doesn't get much more awesome or horrific or perhaps horrifically awesome, depending on your point of view, than this, folks!
Behold the Sock Monkey Couture Dress by Rebecca Yaker of Hazel and Melvin's Room (yes, that's her modeling her own creation). If you don't like that, how about this one?
Link - via Craftastrophe and Rue the Day
Previously on Neatorama:
- Sock Monkey Goddess Sarasvati
- Spock Monkey
@ fastergrace: teehee, that's not a mouth opening on the a regular sock monkey that would be the heel. since a sock monkey is made out of a pair of socks - the other heel would be used for a mouth. however, it cannot be denied that there are mouths on the breasteses...that may be even scarier. no?
I know a few people who would love it though.
Rebecca, the Sock Monkey Maker....and model, I guess.