Normally when we talk about religion and "conversion" we are referring to people that decided to make a major change in their faith. But what about actual religious temples going into a major conversion?
That is the case -among others- of this Dominican church in Netherlands that has been converted into an amazing bookstore, with a coffeeshop that, well..., let's say was a bit controversial.
Check out some other churches turn into more mundane businesses.
From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by scbr.
For a conversion, see e.g. the Hagia Sophia.
And of course, there was The Limelight, in Manhattan before all the drug dealing & that club kid murder shut it down. was essentially an empty cube on two city lots when we bought it, now it has a pair of lofts (master bedroom and music studio), kitchen, dining area, bathroom, spa, library, and a 204" home theater upstairs, while in the basement we put in a wood shop, an electronics shop, a stained glass shop, a dollhouse shop, a weight room, a photo studio, a cattery, and a laundry. There were already two bathrooms downstairs, plus various closets and hallways.
We've been at it for two and a half years; I think it'll take about another two to finish.
Like, imagine converting a gothic cathedral into a skate park.
Oh nelly.
If god it responcible for human stupidity, it makes sense he made this happen too.