The Cupcakes of Catan

Photo: QuintanaRoo

How do you make the Klaus Teuber's maddeningly fun boardgame Settlers of Catan even more enjoyable? Play it with cupcakes!

"What is Cupcakes of Catan?" you ask.

Well, my friend, Cupcakes of Catan is a a totally edible, fully functioning, utterly playable, all vegan, mostly organic, completely cupcake version of the original boardgame, Settlers of Catan. If you've never seen or played Settlers of Catan, this whole operation may seem mystifying. In fact, even if you have played Settlers you may be confused by this all-cupcake version of the game. Why would anyone create such a thing? Let me tell you:

One: Cupcakes are fun.

Two: Settlers of Catan is fun.

Three: CupcakesxSettlers of Catan=more fun.

Flickr user QuintanaRoo (Emilie of The Conscious Kitchen) and friends set this up an entry for the Catan Food Contest. Though they didn't win (Whaaat? How can that be?) this concept is too yummy not to post here on Neatorama: Link - via Wonderland

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