Is the UPCOMING QUEUE turning Neatorama into

Neatorama has is a gem among blogs. I've been coming daily for just over a year now. Each visit yielding a myriad of new interesting facts, trivia, cultural curiosities, offbeat artists..... Until now. The UPCOMING QUEUE is wreaking Neatorama, and I'm surely not alone in this sentiment. I'd rather see fewer posts than have the roster bumped up with the very un"Neat" fodder overwhelming the front page. Neatorama has a certain 'brand' of post, please don't let this blog spiral downward via the UPCOMING QUEUE.

Fark has it's place, and I'll go there for the silly farklike posts, Neatorama has it's place, don't lose sight of it. Please use this post as the start of a discussion in the comments section and let the Neatorama public have a chance to voice. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe people are digging the new system, but let's find out.

Sincerely yours,

Dan. Neatorama fanboy.

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by rellimz.

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It's the nature of all things alive to change. This blog has a life of sorts.

It was neat and special, looking at the web with childlike wonder. It shone a quirky and distinctive light on the world it lived in.

With the effortless joy, it swam through the shark infested waters of the internet and was never bitten.

We got to enjoy the web through it's eyes. It never followed. It wandered where its fancy took it, and the internet followed along, knowing with the confidence of repeated experience that a road trip with Neatorama would be a new kind of unexpected fun every time. Great times.

But nothing lasts forever. We should be happy it lasted as long as it did. We have been spoiled up until now. We had it very good for very long, and I for one want to say thanks, Neatorama. It's been really, really great.
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I wholeheartedly agree as well. I started coming to neatorama as I found it to be a wonderful collection of neatness, every post handpicked for perfection in that regard. Then the UQ came and it seemed to become diluted.

It's like going into your favorite sushi place for premium toro and they hand you, instead of your two pieces of toro, six pieces of maguro – the maguro is okay and more plentiful, but it is not that little bit of perfection that you came in for.
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The queue diminishes Neatorama. More reader input editorially is definitely not necessarily a good thing. Save it for the comments. If the editors at Neatorama are interested in maintaining the blog's individual character, they should abandon the queuebot sooner rather than later.

Keep your editorial integrity and find the good stuff. If your readers could do that, they'd have their own successful blogs.
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