Our old friend French prankster Remi Gaillard assembled a bunch of friends for a party - and crashed a "party store." The store's employees were [understandably] not amused. [YouTube]
Our old friend French prankster Remi Gaillard assembled a bunch of friends for a party - and crashed a "party store." The store's employees were [understandably] not amused. [YouTube]
Every single person on that bus should hand out $5-10 to this business.
Ah! c'est sacré Français LOL!
Gaillard is on French TV sometimes. If this video was done in conjunction with television then I'm certain the store would have had to be compensated.
Including a scene wherein Gaillard's accountant hands the store a check for damages would have made the video far less funny.
Gaillard is not the kind of guy who would leave everything like that
they need to pay for their ENTIRE INVENTORY~
im a shop owner and thats what i would have demanded/sued for~
i would also press vandalism charges~
what a bunch of dicks~
Viva Mano Negra!
"The Black Hand," Cumbiero? Nice.
J'adore Remi. Super gag!
Not as good as the kangouroo though. THAT is classic!
I don't think that comes close to covering the loss of inventory and clean up cost. Perhaps Remi Gaillard should crash a prison next time. LET'S .... IMPRISON ... OURSELVES!! YEAAAH!! I betcha that would be entertaining! :)
French dum-asses!
Sinon c'était marrant!
No. I'm Japanese~
why would you think i was american?
Also, why are they spreaying white foam? Silly string is bad enough, but just foam? Great way to ruin everything and make eveything else 10 times as hard to clean.