I don't know what's worse, the exploitation of these poor animals or the stupidity of the patrons for getting inside an enclosure with a live bear.
Photo: Nasser Nuri/Reuters
An Egyptian family asked to play with the lions. Two dollars, said the zookeeper. The mother nodded and the zoo employee motioned to them to come to a side door away from the row of cages and mesmerized onlookers.
The zookeeper looked nervous, peering up and down the sidewalk. Seeing none of the authorities, he swung the door open and beckoned the family of four inside. By the time the family had entered, the zookeeper had grabbed a lion cub and hoisted it into the arms of the startled teenage son. Another lion cub looked on from a few feet away.
The family posed for photos. The cub snarled with displeasure.
From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by bethtucker.