Here's the interview everyone's been waiting for: Nadya Suleman, the Octuplets' mom went straight from the hospital to an interview with NBC's Ann Curry:
The mother of octuplets born last week in Bellflower told NBC News she wanted to have a "huge family" because she longed for personal connections she felt she lacked in her childhood.
"I just longed for certain connections and attachments with another person that I -- I really lacked, I believe, growing up," Nadya Suleman said in an interview today with NBC's Ann Curry. "Reflecting back on my childhood, I know it wasn't functional. It was pretty -- pretty dysfunctional, and whose isn't?"
Link (Photo: NBC Universal)
Previously on Neatorama:
People need to stop giving her attention b/c it really pisses me off every time I hear about her.
I read that she's not getting any freebies though (or at least not alot) which makes me happy.
She wanted all of those kids, SHE needs to provide for them.
Go out and get a damn job!
It's going to be 14 times worse for her kids.
But how can we turn our collective backs on her at the expense of these poor kids?
No more human litters
I live in Utah, the Duggars live in Arkansas, you live in Bulls@#&ville.
We care because we will have to pay to support these children (yeah, I live in California). We care because these children will grow up neglected and probably unable to form necessary relationships with people. We care because Ms. Suleman has put her obvious psychological issues ahead of the immediate needs of 16 other people (her parents and children) and the needs of those who are paying to support those children. We care because we most certainly will be paying in money and misery for the psychological and physical issues these children will have as the result of their failure of a mother.
Translation : "I've already rationalized the neglect I'll engage in of these children."
What I care about more is the protester who showed up at her house with a sign that says:
"No more babys"
You lose all credibility in your argument when you make a spelling error like that. Of course he could add:
"because they might have an education equal to mine."
I'm super-glad to hear the fertility doctor who implanted ALL 14 of her kids is being investigated by the California medical review board. He or she needs to have their license yanked immediately and been banned from practicing medicine of any kind for life.
Please don't put up any more posts about that sick woman here. There's nothing neat about this at all.
I wonder if she's ready for the next round.
Cost of a 52 pack of diapers from Toys R Us. 16.99
if one baby uses one diaper per day (god willing) that puts you out to about halfway through the week
add in food, time, utilities, the fact that you need a job to make the money.
also the fact that by all appearances she doesn't have 14 hands
and... we've discovered the problem.