Got Old Glass? Break Them and Build Anew!

Smash your Tiffany lamp, destroy your colored glass bottles and arrange them to create an amazing mosaic.

Yet another brilliant way of blending sustainability with style, these recycled glass countertops do more than simply reuse materials (being composed of 85% glass) - they also tell the story of their origins, from beer bottles to safety glass. The results are always unique one-of-a-kind designs.

Link - via dornob

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by Urbanist.

Comments (7)

Hmm... whats the bet that its pathetically expensive for what it is? All "ECO"/recycled crap is always expensive, which is why mainstream avoids it and the rich can feel better about themselves. /vomit.
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Yes, it can be tacky. No, it is not expensive compared to high-end alternatives. On the other hand, it is not very practical for a number of reasons. Let's just say it should not be your first choice for a working surface.
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While I think the end result does look fantastic, I heard on some silly HGTV show that the price is pretty comparable to granite.

Sorry, if I wanted to waste that much money I'd probably just buy a nice bottle of scotch for every square foot of my kitchen counter.

It's incredibly lame.
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I never understood how anyone considered broken glass attractive or pleasing. Ugly.

If I was so broke I had to use garbage as decor, I guess I could suffer with it.
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