The World's First Openly Gay Prime Minister

Johanna Sigurdardottir, an Icelandic MP, was elected Prime Minister of Iceland this week. She is the first openly gay prime minister in world history.

The 66-year-old politician lives with her partner, Jonina Leosdottir, a journalist and playwright. The couple were joined in a civil ceremony in 2002. Don't expect them to show up togetherfor photocalls, however – that's not the Icelandic way. Though she is famous across the island, having been a top politician for years, her lesbian union was no big deal in this calmly progressive nation of only 300,000 people.

"Johanna is a very private person," said an Icelandic government source. "A lot of people didn't even know she was gay. When they learn about it people tend to shrug and say, 'Oh'. That's not to say they are not interested; they are interested in who she's living with – but no more so than if she was a man living with a woman."

Is she cut out for the job? I think that is a bigger issue than a person's sexuality. Oh right, unimportant factors like race and sexuality matter more than results these days. Seriously, I think it is just as discriminatory to focus on a gay person or a black person or a headless person or whatever who is elected to office than anything else – they're just people! "Positive" discrimination and racism is STILL discrimination and racism!
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And Iceland's first woman MP.

Though, in some ways I feel that pointing out that she's the first gay MP actually both detracts from her political carreer and is a disservice to homosexual people. I mean, if we just stopped making such a big deal over whatever thing someone is or looks like and focus on what they do in their choosen profession we'd have a much better world. The fact that she's homosexual should be so far removed from the whole issue that no one would even consider writing an article about it, that's the kind of world I want to live in.
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I'm glad that her sexuality is a matter of no concern to the Icelanders.

Really they have so much to contend with that a gay PM is not even on the list.
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I am so tired of "how she (he) gets her (his) jollies" being the most important characteristic.

So Iceland has an Affirmative Action PM, we have an Affirmative Action President.

Really. It is not a big deal. Affirmative action is for people that can't make it on merit.
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Guys, this is a big deal because gays have generally been repressed in society. I agree that the fact that she is gay should not be a factor in her getting elected, but it is a fact that many people judge gays negatively, just for being gay. It's not a disservice to homosexuals to acknowledge that people are becoming less ignorant and more accepting.

Brent, why are you so angry about minorities getting acknowledged for achievements that previously were very difficult or impossible for them to achieve? Overcoming the social biases of the past is certainly something to celebrate. I'm sure her campaign motto wasn't "Vote for me, I'm gay," and that she's as qualified as anyone else may be.
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It's easier for a public figure that's attractive and female to be gay, because, uhh, camon. Do I have to spell it out? And Binky. Racism is different from "sexual-orientationism". Race has nothing to do with if you're straight or not. At least time I checked. Also, Binky, Brent seems to be mentioning that he's tired of seeing people being mentioned with their orientation (NSEW) as the most important characteristic of the person. Nothing offensive or racist or sexist about his post. I lived in San Francisco for 14 years, I am qualified to judge. Even have a badge and a tiny little gavel.
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Affirmative action these days is now an excuse for people who don't get the job due to a black man, or a gay woman getting it, but need to give themselves a reason for not getitng it other then being mentally incompetent.

"Johanna is a very private person," said an Icelandic government source. "A lot of people didn't even know she was gay. When they learn about it people tend to shrug and say, 'Oh'. That's not to say they are not interested; they are interested in who she's living with – but no more so than if she was a man living with a woman."

Why is this gay thing such an issue? It wasn't when she was elected, why is it a problem here and even newsworthy to begin with?
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Um, didn't the whole world just freak out because America finally elected a black man? Of course it's news that Iceland just elected the first openly gay pm!

The marginalized populations of society need visibility to break out of assigned cultural stereotypes. Iceland and the US have twice in as many weeks made huge strides as regions of people who are willing to get over themselves and their collective preconceived notions. When a person with high visibility in a community is associated with a cultural sub-set (speaking hierarchically for pure reference), it gives more individuals the chance be confronted with their own bias and prejudice. To be shown common humanity.

I know it isn't fair to assign this responsibility, to ask Obama or Sirgudardottir to represent all the people they share a race or sexuality with, but I really do think it's positive. We're in this mess together, as a planet, and the sooner we can introduce ourselves to each other in all our gorgeous diversity the sooner we can start helping each other.

Yes, I just made it about world peace. So what?
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Just as Obama's historic election came in a most challenging time in US history, Siggugardottir's(sp?) election occurred when the economy of Iceland is in absolute ruins. Apparently, the voters of both nations voted the way they did because they thought these candidates were the best for the task at hand. Frankly, I can't see why sane person would want to assume leadership of either country right now (although I volunteered for, and voted for Obama).

I guess the reason this gay/race thing is an issue is the fact that, conversely, it is not an issue! I'll be typical sexist male here though...This P.M. is smokin' like one of them geysers they've got all over Iceland.
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Geez, so many firsts that things are ridiculous! I can't wait for the first president who was adopted, or the first leader who never had siblings, or the first someone who never had a parking ticket. These "firsts" just trivialize what is really at hand and just seem to glamorize something sometimes insignificant or unrelated to get the viewers' attention. Just accept it as is...she is a Prime Minister who has work to do!
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re: zav

"Racism is different from “sexual-orientationism”. Race has nothing to do with if you’re straight or not. At least time I checked."

Yes, I know. I never implied that it did. Brent's post also mentioned race.

"Also, Binky, Brent seems to be mentioning that he’s tired of seeing people being mentioned with their orientation (NSEW) as the most important characteristic of the person. Nothing offensive or racist or sexist about his post."

Her orientation is the most important part of this story from a "neatness" perspective. Brent's post isn't offensive, and he seems to be saying "this stuff shouldn't matter," which I agree with. But saying that you're sick of hearing about minorities succeeding where it was very difficult for them to in the past, and not hearing about all the things white males continue to achieve, is sort of a weird thing to complain about.
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Our previous prime minister in New Zealand was as gay as you get. She had a husband who she never lived with and her girlfriend was in government with her. Her GF had a minor job but a travel spend second only to the prime minister as she was always with her. But I guess the here is openly', I'd much more respect honesty.
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It is a pretty big deal because of comments like AnUnSi's, someone who will never be affected in the slightest by who the Prime Minister of Iceland is, but still hates gay people on principle.

It's still way more acceptable for openly gay women in this world. Men like that sort of thing, and women think it empowers them somehow. Or maybe they like to keep their options open.
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The reason this matters is because it is a sign on the road to normality for a repressed and mistreated group. To say that it doesn't matter is simply to be blind to reality. Speaking as a straight fellow, I'm delighted to see every step that advances sexuality as distinct from unrelated issues, and puts it more and more clearly into the realm of personal choice and consensual agreement between competent people exercising free will -- where it bloody well belongs.

The society I live in (the USA) is still massively retarded about sexuality. Television shows performances depicting violence without any problem; similar performances depicting sexuality, however, are deemed too "shameful" to display. Arbitrary "lines in the sand" cripple our legal system (and our citizens) instead of tests for competence. Religion poisons the well of reason everywhere we turn, declaring "normal" to be an arbitrary set of metrics derived from mythologies.

I can only hope for us to become rational, someday. It is entirely cheering to see people do the right thing, as this situation in Iceland signals; it means the problem isn't a limitation of people, per se, but one of culture. Things can actually get better.
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The use of "Affirmative action" as the reasoning for how anyone not a straight Xian white male billionaire gets to a position of authority is a thging that seems to plague US american understandign of the rest of the world.

Affirmative action is a uniquely US thing.

And also Obama didn't get elected due to AA.

Democracy doesn't work like that.

The black guy doesn't get extra votes, there is no quaota for the post of President.
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her sexual preference should be a non-issue. The bigger and more immediate issue is their failing economy.

On a less sensitive note, the picture shown is quite flattering compared to the other ones I have seen in the news. Woof!
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Why is it called progressive rather than liberal. I don't think doing things against society and the norm is or should be considered progressive. It should be more like retarded because it is "slowing down" the progress of society.

BTW, it is unfortunate she is a lesbian. If you are a woman, you are a woman. If you are a man, you are a man. Depeneding on what you are, you are always supposed to be with the opposite sex.

1+1 does not equal 3 no matter how good it makes you feel.
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