How's 2009 Been Treating You So Far?

So, the first month of 2009 is almost over and it seems that so far the new year has been nothing but bad economic news after bad economic news.

Last week, the folks at the US watched as big companies cut more than 100,000 jobs (with over 70,000 jobs lost on Monday alone), the stock market tumbled, and home prices continued its freefall. Congress played politics over the stimulus package (it passed the House strictly on party line votes) and - surprise - Wall Street continued giving billions in bonuses and perks ($87,784 for a rug, anyone?)

And you know the economy is bad when more people are searching Google for coupons than Britney Spears (via Bo Cowgill).

How's 2009 been treating you? Did you lose your job? Have trouble making ends meet? What do you think needs to be done to fix the economy? Can the economy be fixed? I'd love to hear from you.

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I travelled all over the world and saw people living beyond their means. Trying to keep up with the Joneses is never a good idea. Learn to live within your means. If the world was properly maintained and we had any form of leadership, this would have never occured. Time for me to fly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I am becoming the person I need to be, my real and stable self. I never thought this would be possible no matter how hard I worked, because I didn't think there could ever be any way to overcome severe trauma and neurological damage. Thank GOD for all the wonderful medications we have now!! I would rather live in a cardboard box on pennies a day than do without any of them (and who knows, it may yet come to that, considering how expensive they are.) My advice is for people with intact brains to count their blessings, because you don't know what it's like to have one that has been damaged and to fight for many years for the right treatment. Money problems are so trivial next to that.
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Wife lost her job over the summer. I still have mine. Thankfully, I can afford the house payment and all that but we have to declare bankruptcy because we have CC debt and have no way to pay it. After the house, gas, water and electrical we only have 250 dollars to buy food. It's not like we are living in an expensive house (lived there for 6 years now). Just have to make cuts. No more going out to eat, etc.
I know i'm better off than some people.
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I like That Guy Ruste's comment. Live within your means. Do you really need to spend $100K on a fancy wedding? Do you need a television in every room, a wireless network, a fridge that orders its own food?
It's hard to keep up with the Joneses while the Joneses are struggling to keep up with you.
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