Or: Hello, GeekAlerts! Yes, it's true - the blog is back.
January has been a crazy month for me to say the least. Some of you might have read here on Neatorama that I had decided to close down GeekAlerts. It was a very hard decision, but I felt I had to do it because it took too much time - "a luxury I don’t have," as I wrote back then.
But guess what? About two weeks later, GeekAlerts was back in the gadget blogosphere with a new and improved author (still the same guy, though).
All the wonderful emails, comments and instant messages I received from the readers of course meant a lot to the decision of bringing the blog back. But there was something else too: I came to realize that there were so many things I could do to simplify my life - all without having to kill my darling blog.
Many books have been written on the subject of simplifying your life, so many that your life will be very complicated if you try to read them all. For me it was Leo Babauta and his book The Power of Less that gave me the wake up call. So, if you ever feel caught up in a situation similar to what I experienced, maybe his book or any of the other books on the Zen Habits lifestyle subject can work as a guide on how to get back on track.
Maybe that the easiest and most obvious solutions are not always the right ones. Anyway, it feels great to be back and I'm happy to have more Neatorama time on my hands for writing about the stuff I like.
I'll leave you with this quote that I picked up from Jared Spool on one of his podcasts:
January has been a crazy month for me to say the least. Some of you might have read here on Neatorama that I had decided to close down GeekAlerts. It was a very hard decision, but I felt I had to do it because it took too much time - "a luxury I don’t have," as I wrote back then.
Back on Track
But guess what? About two weeks later, GeekAlerts was back in the gadget blogosphere with a new and improved author (still the same guy, though).
What happened?
All the wonderful emails, comments and instant messages I received from the readers of course meant a lot to the decision of bringing the blog back. But there was something else too: I came to realize that there were so many things I could do to simplify my life - all without having to kill my darling blog.
Many books have been written on the subject of simplifying your life, so many that your life will be very complicated if you try to read them all. For me it was Leo Babauta and his book The Power of Less that gave me the wake up call. So, if you ever feel caught up in a situation similar to what I experienced, maybe his book or any of the other books on the Zen Habits lifestyle subject can work as a guide on how to get back on track.
What's the conclusion?
Maybe that the easiest and most obvious solutions are not always the right ones. Anyway, it feels great to be back and I'm happy to have more Neatorama time on my hands for writing about the stuff I like.
I'll leave you with this quote that I picked up from Jared Spool on one of his podcasts:
Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement.
I simplified my business three years ago. I lost 30% of my gross, only 10% of my net and 60% of my workload. Great set of trade-offs.
My rule of thumb is to focus on one task at a time only. Never multitasking our work because Multitasking means driving our business and ourselves to the road of destruction...
Great to have you back, Robert! :)