Slumdogs and Millionaires

If the portrait of India in this movie mystifies you, this series of short documentary videos from National Geographic offers some explanations. 

Focussing on the seismic changes coming about as a result of the Golden Quadrilateral, a wildly ambitious superhighway project that will finally link the major cities of Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, New Delhi and Mumbai, the videos help you understand the pride of a young woman earning her living for the first time, the frustration of poor farmers losing their lands to a new auto plant, the stunning prosperity of families in million-dollar subdivisions, and the loneliness of long-distance truck drivers who describe their jobs as the filthiest in India.


From the Upcoming Queue, submitted by Marilyn Terrell.

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Alex, what is there to be repulsed about; these people are the finest examples of hard-work, honesty and a life of achievement. I resent your choice of words here, even if they were well meant to begin with.

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We are repulsed at the thought of how poorly these people live, but I think we have to keep in mind that there has been progress in improving their lives. Yes, they are poor but they were far worse before.

A nation does not become wealthy overnight.
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