Their purposes are different -- some make historical references, others are satire from his detractors, and some just want to make him look cool. One thing's for sure -- the man is all things to all people.
From the Upcoming Queue, submitted by interweber.
Guess it's tough to argue when the facts are outside of your narrow fixed view.
It seems like BO is keeping the practice of rendition as a tool in the War on Terror.
This is bound to cause a huge amount of bed wetting among the HopeyChangers.
You are featured in terrible movies.
I am constantly stymied by the fact that you keep appearing on the silver screen.
I blame Disney
Hope. Change. Double standards.
That right there is priceless ladies and gentlemen.
What you're really saying is that the facts fly in the face of your argument and that you have nothing to rebut what I've presented.
That's what you're really saying.
You can present whatever "dissent" or "differing opinion" you wish to present. No one is stopping you.
Certainly not me.
I gave your posts thoughtful consideration and discovered that you were wrong. Sorry about that. If you're interested in expanding your intellectual acuity then perhaps you should read more widely and broaden your horizons.
Facts are stubborn things and I will present them so that you can see that the truth lies beyond your fixed view.
The questions I posed to you regarding Holder and Geithner remain unanswered by the way. Why is that?
They were easy.
The questions will only get tougher as we go along.
Oh, I almost forgot. You can add Tom Daschle to the list of nominees in this administration who have tax issues.
What is it about Dems and not paying taxes?
They have no problem raising them at every opportunity for everyone else.
Is this the "HopenChange" that BO promised?
I'm ignoring you because you're being condescending, sneering, antagonistic, and trollish without regard or thoughtful consideration for any dissent, differing opinion, or information beyond what fits into your fixed view.