The crack of Indy’s whip, the bleep-blips of R2-D2, and the asthmatic breathing of Darth Vader. These unique and memorable sound effects are all products of an often overlooked art form – the art of sound design. A Sound Designer’s duties include creating, editing and applying sound effects and all non-compositional elements of a film, video game, theater performance, recording or television program in what amounts to a very daunting job.
From the Upcoming Queue, submitted by whitespace.
My vote for this year are City of Ember a great sci-fi movie with a message and great sound editing. WALL-E had fantastic sound FX and i agree with its nomination.
I'm currently in school for sound design, so it's definitely not overlooked by me. :)
Currently, there's really only two of us here. I'm focusing on sound design in theatre.