Archive for January 25th, 2009

Living on Floating Islands

The Uros people of Lake Titicaca along the border of Bolivia and Peru live on man-made floating islands constructed of reeds! The group developed this system to protect themselves from invaders, and now it protects their...

Virtual Etch-a-Sketch

I was never any good at the real Etch-a-Sketch, and I'm certainly not any better at the virtual version. This picture to the left was done on a real Etch-a-Sketch (you can see more on the Ohio Art site), but maybe you'l...

Movie Trivia: Stand By Me

I didn't intentionally mean to pick another Rob Reiner film for this week's movie trivia post, but when RiderAng suggested Stand By Me, I knew immediately that I needed to dig it out of our DVD cabinet. Don't...

Birthday Cake Error

Some of you might remember the phone order cake mishap post here at Neatorama. Obviously, ordering your cake online won't guarantee that things will be any better. Link [Flickr] - via DiggCake, error...

Sponsor An Executive

[YouTube - Link] If you have any spare funds left over from donating to Sarah MacLaughlin's pet fund, here's another worthwhile charity desperate for help.   economy, humor...

Snowing Nightly in Florida

Celebration, Florida is a planned community near Orlando that was developed by the Disney Company in the 1990s with early 20th c. architecture.  Every night during December the palm-lined main street in the town...

Mapping your emails

Christopher Baker analyzed some 60,000 emails that he has sent and received since 1998 to reveal his social network, as represented in an interesting visual map: Like many people, I have archived all of my email w...

The WoW Project by Aram Bartholl

This 1996 2006 WoW project by Aram Bartholl let people "play" as their World of Warcraft avatars in real life. If your name is Leeroy Jenkins, you'd have to use big fonts ;) The WoW project takes th...

Fighting Bats with Bagpipes

Bob Johnson has tried everything to keep fruit bats away from his orchard.  The Queensland, Australia fruit grower is so frustrated by bats eating his crop that he has even resorted to playing his bagpipe among the...

Super Mario Cross-Stitch

Cross-Stitch Ninja made this map of the first world of Super Mario Bros. 3 by zooming way in on a screenshot of the game, and making one pixel=one stitch.  You can make your own video game cross-stitch patterns...

Redheads Are Aliens and Other Things You Didn't Know About the Human Hair

We all (okay, most of us) have hair - but how much do you know about the stuff that grows on our head? AskMen has a neat article on the 5 things you didn't know about ... the human hair:4- Redheads may be ali...

Ice Cream Causes Breathalyser False Positives

Have to take a breathalyzer test? Whatever you do, don't eat ice cream beforehand. Here's what one Australian man found out the hard way: Bubble O' Bill ice cream treat will cause the test to come up positive for alcohol...

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