Keeping Tabs On The President

Whether you love Obama or hate him, you'll be happy to know there is now a tool to track how he has lived up to his campaign promises.

The Obameter has a compiled list of about 500 promises he made during the election run and it records if he: kept the promise, compromised, broke the promise, stalled the promise, is in the works on the issue or has not taken action on the promise. So far he's stalled one, compromised on one and kept five, but it will be nice to see how he does in the long run.

I wish we had these for every president. I'd love to know how Kennedy, Lincoln or Andrew Jackson did on their promises.

Link Via Good Magazine

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I think it's neat that I only see some people post only on the articles which have to do with Obama, and nothing else, yet they claims that there are too many Obama related posts. Had Neatorama not placed thoughts into his head and forced him to read these Obama related articles, this situation wouldn't have happened.
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Is there a tracker on Neatorama on how many people bitch about its political blogginess...

I bet it'd be in the red...

The obama meter link is neat to some people as the talking dog is neat to some people...

NEATORAMA can't make everyone happy, that's not the point of this blog.

If you don't like it then stop checking out the website, it's that easy.
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@Dave: My point was that the trend lately has been to give Obama a pass at every turn, and under very minimal scrutiny this tracker seems to be following along in lock-step. Too, too predictable.

Sorry, but I did assume that what you said was a form of hero-worship. There's an awful lot of that going on lately, and the guy hasn't done squat. And you won't catch me quibbling without good reason. ;o)
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@Dave: My point was predicated on its being what it purports, so yours is a legit discussion but doesn't really go to the essence of what I was saying.

And I don't say his behavior affects all our lives as some kind of hero-worship. I hope you didn't parse that as "his behavior affects everything about our lives." I say it because his actions will have an impact. Disputing that simple assertion seems like quibbling for its own sake.
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