Barack Obama Newspaper Tote

This tote bag, handmade from the November 5th front cover of the LA Times, will be "a daily reminder of the historic election of Barack Obama".

Covered in soft, durable water resistant laminate with double straps and velcro closure, this eye-catching bag is perfect as a large purse, grocery bag or carry-on.


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I just read a terrific online article about Barack Obama at The article was wonderfully written and showed why America is willing to accept him. It’s an engaging, thought provoking article that gave me a new found level of respect for him.
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"It just takes some Heat ‘n’ Bond fusible web, some iron-on laminating film, canvas base fabric, bias tape, and pre-made cotton strapping."

Yeah, cause we ALL have that stuff just laying around the house.

This bag is gauche.
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I am only stating what Obama is. He wants the stimulus package. He is closing Guantanamo. He is going to accept terrorist living in this country.
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Hi Josh, nice to see that you're there in the Dark Ages

When you want to grow out of a Manicheistic worldview, please contact the rest of us.

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