Archive for January 22nd, 2009

Spiral Wine Cellars - Wine Right Under Your Feet

It's like a magical door to Wine Wonderland! For a mere $30,000, you could have this beauty installed in your house. There are some more examples here - I especially like the one in the study, because a trap door wit...

When Jungles Attack

Any Lost fans out there? (Maybe we should start a Lost thread in the forums.) This picture reminds me of Eko's brother's plane. Anyway, this gallery is full of cool pictures of Mother Nature takin...

Virtual Juggling: Just as Hard as Real Juggling

I can't juggle in real life, so I'm not sure why I thought I would do well at virtual juggling. I couldn't even get past the first level... but maybe you can. Let us know how you do! LinkGame, stacy, flash game, ju...

How iPhone App Icons Are Designed

Designing those little icons is tougher than you might think. Check out how designer Felix Sockwell went through the creative process (and the review process, of course) to come up with the icons for the New Yor...

Adolescent Poetry Generator

In high school and college, I spent hours writing overwrought, angst-filled, free verse poetry. Now today's spoiled and over-emotional teenagers can do the same thing, but with only a single mouseclick, thanks to the...

Obama, The Action Hero

Check out this marvelous Barack Obama action figure that makes him look like a cross between Chuck Norris and James Bond! The site (with lots more pictures) is in Japanese, so I don't know if this is for sale or not. L...

What is Cheese Without the Maggots?

[YouTube - Link] Casu marzu is a Sardinian cheese with the singularity to be pre-digested by cheese flies' maggots. Wait! it gets better : "Casu marzu is considered toxic when the maggots in the cheese have di...

Medieval Guide to Wearing Pants by Kasey McMahon

Artist and Graphic designer Kasey McMahon used 16th century illustrations to create a silly fashion guide on pants and how to wear or NOT wear them. I'm particularly drawn to this prophetic guide: Don't Wear Acid Washed...

High Stakes Antics At The Preakness

[YouTube - Link] The Triple Crown never seemed so two-sided.  There are those who go to the races to see and be seen.  The rich and famous, and the classy entourage they bring with them.  And t...

Public Domain Images and Vintage Art at Grandma's Graphics

Grandma's Graphics has a neat collection of vintage art and public domain images perfect for that children's book you've always wanted to write.From Harry Clarke to 1890's storybooks, if you're looking for unique ima...

Photograph of the Clifton Suspension Bridge Made with a Soda Can Pin-Hole Camera

Photographer Justin Quinnell took this photo of The Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol over a six month period using a pin-hole camera made from a soda can.A series of majestic emerald arcs light up one of Britain'...

Famous Works of Art, Simpsons-Style

What would Edvard Munch's "The Scream" look like if Matt Groening painted it?  Or how about Van Gogh's self-portrait?  Or Vermeer's "Girl With a Pearl Earring"? See what happens to g...

Death by Caffeine

How many cups of coffee, Diet Cokes or Red Bulls will it take to kill you with its caffeine content? This website can do the math for you. Don't miss the disclaimer : "If you actually try this and end...

David Baird's 4115 km Wheelbarrow Journey

David Baird has just completed his Herculean 112-day journey pushing a wheelbarrow across Australia (that's 4,115 km or 2,557 mi on foot). He did this to raise money for breast and prostate cancer research. The fi...

Secrets of Sicily's Mummies

For a small fee, you can tour the underground catacombs of the Capuchin monastery in Palermo, Sicily, where 2,000 well-dressed but decaying bodies, mostly from the 19th c., are on display.   Nobody knows exac...

The Economic Crisis Makes America Stronger (Hooray?)

The economic crisis got you down? Well, here's the silver lining to the current economic mess we're in: it makes America stronger.Walter Russell Mead of The New Republic explains:Setting aside the flaws in both these...

A Closer Look at the Inauguration

The Big Picture at The Boston Globe has an awesome collection of large photographs that give a glimpse of the pageantry, pathos, and the enormous crowd at Tuesday's inauguration events. Over a million people were in at...

Mengele Responsible for a Bazillion Brazilian Twins

In a new book, an Argentine historian asserts that Nazi doctor Joseph Mengele is responsible for the astonishing rate of twins in Candido Godoi, Brazil. Jorge Camarasa makes the claim that Mengele ministered to both huma...

Yo Comments Are Whack!

(YouTube link) Alexandra and Lizz encourage YouTube commenters to learn proper grammar and spelling, and scale back on the hate talk. -via Everlasting Blort Spelling, rap, language, grammar...

The Top Ten Movie Presidents

If we could select the US president from the movies, who would be elected? That's not really the aim of this list; it's about the presidential portrayals we enjoyed watching the most. When I got to #2 (my personal favori...

What is it? Game 89

Hooray! It's time for our collaboration with the ever-awesome What is it? Blog. This week brings us this strange lookin' object. Can you guess what it is for?Place your guess in the comment section - no...

Stories Behind 10 Famous Food Logos

You don't have to go far to find fascinating stories behind some of the world's most famous logos. Just take a look inside your kitchen cabinets ... Morton Salt: The Morton Umbrella Girl...

Sweet Dreams - A Cupcake Adventure

[YouTube - Link]Here is a sweet video of a cupcake who dreams of sailing away and leaving it's life all behind for an adventure. A very cool stop motion video created by Kirsten Lepore using veggies...

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