In a strange traditional ceremony, two 7 year-old girls in Tamil Nadu, India were married off to two frogs.
The ceremony, an annual feature during the Pongal (harvest) festival, is conducted "to prevent the outbreak of mysterious diseases in the village''.
The girls, Vigneswari and Masiakanni, dressed up in traditional bridal finery -- gilded sarees and gold jewelery -- married the frog 'princes' in separate, elaborate ceremonies at two different temples in the presence of hundreds of villagers.
These are two frogs that will not be turning into fairytale princes, they actually got released back into temple ponds after the ceremony. I wonder if the girls are still allowed to get married when they grow up. Image Via Somegl [Flickr]
the indian miss universe 1993, aishwarya roy, who is now a famous actor, married another famous actor (who is the son of another very famous actor, whew!) a few years ago. but before the ceremony she 'married' a banana tree, which was promptly cut down after the ceremony, thus rendering her a 'widow'; then she married the actor. as simple as that. know what, I'm just going to keep my sick thoughts to myself this time.
No, that was bad.