This short clip by Taylor Mali, The The Impotence of of Proofreading, is what writing for Neatorama is like for for me avery single day.
Hit play or go to Link [YouTube, a little bit NSFW audio-wise] - via Miss Cellania
This short clip by Taylor Mali, The The Impotence of of Proofreading, is what writing for Neatorama is like for for me avery single day.
Hit play or go to Link [YouTube, a little bit NSFW audio-wise] - via Miss Cellania
One of my favorites is when spellcheck would catch a misspelling of 'inconvenience' and suggest 'incontinence'. When I was sending out emails for customer service oh-so-long-ago, it made me crack up to think of sending them an apology for the incontinence we caused them. :P
Wow. I realize that Poetry Slamming is on the outs but could you guys include something that was written during this decade?