Custom Bollywood Poster

Dave and Jenny in Delhi, India found that there are still artists who paint Bollywood cinema posters by hand. They sought out an artist to paint a design for their personalized Christmas cards. What they got was a six-foot poster detailing their Indian adventures! Read the story of how it came about. Contact information for the artist is included, in case you'd like one of your own. Link -Thanks, Dave Prager!

ive blogged about this sort of thing a few times. ive got a pretty good collection of images. the hollywood movie posters are funny, but the best are the ones made for local releases. this also isnt just a bollywood thing.
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AWESOME!!! I love those posters. Growing up in the PI, there was also these grand enormous hand painted movie posters. The style was similar. I had always wanted to have my own poster.
this would make an excellent upcoming wedding anniversary gift! :)
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Gosh we do these in the Philippines too! They usually get cartoon characters right, but on live action movies, the actors themselves look like cartoon characters! xD They're fun to look at though... I miss them. *sigh*
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