12 of the Strangest Purses Ever

This one is particularly weird. I bet the reactions when you walk down the street with this thing are pretty priceless. Check out the other 11 at Oddee.


Football purse: darn, I was thinking that if I had to sit in a mall or dept. store, holding my wife's purse, that would be a good purse for, uh, me. She could say, "Hold my purse," then I'd say, "Hit me, I'm open." Or, "Hand me my purse"; "Go long."

Sometimes, she exits the car with our toddler, with the understanding that I'd bring in the 'baby' bag and her purse. I try to hold the purse in a masculine way -- exactly a runningback's tuck. The football purse makes sense, for a husband who holds his wife's purse.
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We've seen the head in the bag purse before. Problem is, when you put a head in a bag, wouldn't it make more sense to put it in upside-down? That way, you lose less liquid.
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