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Parkour Noob
Well, not everyone can run and jump around like ninjas.
Here's a video clip of why you shouldn't exactly try do parkour
if you're not physically coordinated. Link
(Hey, isn't that the Numa Numa guy?) |
The Slingshot Man
Don't pick a fight with Rufus
Hussey, The Beanshooter Man, at least when he's armed with a
slingshot - he is absolutely terrifyingly awesome with it. Link |
How to Steal a Car with Beer Cans
Yes, it's probably a staged footage, but it's conceivable ... and
pretty clever for a criminal! Link |
How to Disarm a Crazy Samurai Sword Wielding Man
Not all policemen resort to lethal force, guns or tasers to disarm
a crazy samurai sword wielding man. Sometimes, all you need is ... a broom!
(Of course, this is Germany, in the United States, they would've
just shot the guy's b*tt off!) Link |
Young Drew Carey on The Tonight Show
In 1991, a then 33-year-old Drew Carey performed for the first time
on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. Back then,
it was unusual for a comedian to be invited over to sit down with
the master. Link |
Comments (8)
The moral of the story was, if you saw a flyer in your back window and your keys are in the ignition, just leave it and let the wind blow it off.