Maria of fashion and design blog Stickers and Donuts has just completed her year-long project of wearing a different outfit every day of the year. Here's the photographic proof:
... sometime early last year, I started taking pictures of my outfits everyday. There was a bit of a hubbub at work, at the time, about how many bright colors I wore and how ridiculous I sometimes looked. We had no dress code at work, so I took advantage of it. I crave a bit of creativity in every day, and getting dressed in fun outfits is one way I got it (until I started S&D). Anyway, I started taking the pictures just so I could see what people were talking about. And yes, as you might have noticed, I win some and lose some as far as fashion is concerned.
Link - via Limited Fun
I can only imagine Steve Jobs doing this: it's black turtleneck and jeans every friggin' day!
Only on the internet.
Look, I'm not a mean person. I don't like to upset people
on purpose, but the sentence should be:
"And yes, as you might have noticed, I lose some and totally,unconditionally capitulate some as far as fashion is concerned."
Neat idea though.
Looks like she went shopping in Ugly Betty's closet.
That said, yeah, only on the internet.
She dresses like a six-year-old: nothing to be proud of.
I really don't get that style. Why wear a t-shirt under a dress, or jeans for that matter.
Fat people are fat for one of two reasons: 1. They can't help it due to a health issue, or 2. They eat too much. Neither issue is anyone's business but the fat person's. No one has the right to be food police. And again, if a person spends their hard earned money to over eat, it's their body and their health, not yours.
The financial issues of other people are also not your business. You don't know if she lives beyond her means and the assumption that she does shows a pretty sad, judgmental attitude.
If the change means being a bitter, judgmental, holier than thow crusader that assumes a lot about people that they don't know, I certainly want no part of it. Get a grip, mind your own life, and leave others to theirs. You aren't going to change anyone's mind with that nasty attitude you have toward everyone that doesn't live as you do.
For someone that rails on about people buying things made in China, you sure sound like the type of person that would do well in a Communist society, and that's another thing I find distasteful, but this is neither the time nor the place for that discussion.